Write yourself a boilerplate paragraph about your company. It should only be about 4-5 sentences and should read something like this:
Company is a type of blah blah blah organization offering blah blah blah to blah blah blah. Company is owned and operated by blah blah and has been providing blah blah blah since blah. Their mission is to blah blah blah and they are committed to blah blah blah. Company is located at address and more information is available at www.blah.com.
That is what I call your closing paragraph. Use that paragraph anytime you send information to anyone - client, press, etc. (Obviously you fill out the blahs.) This will really help in your consistent messaging.
Now take said paragraph and made it into a 50 word blurb and then add information and make it into a 100 word blurb. Save all three of these paragraphs in one place and refer to them when sending information and posting all of those company descriptions on various websites. You will be amazed at how much time you save and the results you will see by using the same language in all of your communication. Especially if you use the same keywords that are in your paragraph in your google analytics and website keywords.
Found this article to be very interesting and it kind of fits with your blog.
I find this is something that companies sometimes don't give much thought.
These guidelines are very useful for the persons who are new in the business,like me.
These guidelines are very useful for the persons who are new in the business,like me.
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