Stressed by the economic drama?
Interested in looking at ways to change your business to be able to sustain yourself through these next several years and into the future?
I think most business owners I know would answer yes to all three of these questions. So, for those who answered yes, I want to share information about the Vermont Sustainable Exchange - located on the web at
Vermont Sustainable Exchange operates an online business to business marketplace that allows Vermont businesses to measure, grow, and coordinate their trade with fellow Vermont businesses.
Businesses pool the credit they issue to each other into a common marketplace where local goods and services are bought and sold, loans are issued to willing entrepreneurs, and the cost of doing business is lowered by consolidating expenses and buying power.
I plan to investigate Vermont Sustainable Exchange as a place to search for an Apple specialist to help me learn how to better use the IMac I am running Windows on. I am hoping to find someone more cost effective than going through Small Dog Electronics, but more importantly, someone who will help me learn a Mac, not just be irritated that I bought a Mac and am running Windows. Instead of paying, I pay with my time and someone else will be able to benefit from my Vermont public relations services. It will be interesting to see how this works, and I would love to get feedback from folks that are currently using Vermont Sustainable Exchange!
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